How Police Agencies and Schools Can Make Campuses Safer

Here are some of the programs schools have implemented and law enforcement’s role within them With the third anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre upon us, it’s important to consider what steps schools have taken – and should take – to help keep their students safer. Here are some of the programs schools have […]

“I Want To Be A Police Officer When I Grow Up”

When was the last time that you heard a little girl make that statement? For that matter, when was then last time that you heard any child make that statement? In many urban areas, including the nearby cities of Oakland and Richmond California, law enforcement officers are the enemy. It’s not my job to get […]

The Invasion Of The Biometric Identity Snatchers

What happens when someone copies your fingerprints or makes a contact lens with a copy of your iris? If someone steals your biometrics, they may be able to prove that they’re you. If you like being “you” – and you’d rather not share that distinction with anyone else – the new world of biometrics is definitely worth thinking about.

Marriott Security Breakdown Gets Me Out of Bed (updated)

At 1:36 AM last night, I awoke to someone breaking into my room at the Cambridge Marriott hotel, outside of Boston. I heard the door slam open against the “visitor latch” that lets you open the door a bit to see who is outside. I jumped out of bed with my heart pounding, pulled on my pants and dialed 0 to have them send security to my room.

Don’t Even Think of Outrunning a Tornado

You don’t tug on Superman’s cape, you don’t spit into the wind, and you sure as heck can’t outrun a tornado. Do you have a safe room and have you gotten a kit, made a plan, and are ready to stay informed?

Why Your iPhone Could Make Your Disaster Worse

My iPhone 4 wanted to be connected to iTunes and was a brick for four days until I could make it to an Apple store. Why carry a phone that can’t even be a phone without being plugged into a computer first?

Run, Hide, Fight – New Keywords To Help You Survive

“It may feel like just another day at the office, but occasionally life feels more like an action movie than reality” This video produced by the city of Houston introduces the keywords, “Run, Hide, Fight” to help you survive an active shooter incident.

Aurora Colorado Century 16 Theater Shooting

Did anyone notice that James E. Holmes was planning to massacre moviegoers but didn’t speak up? If he could not have gotten his weapons legally, would he have given up? And what training can you and your family get to help be better prepared for whatever comes your way?

What To Do In An Active Shooter Situation? Part 5

My final entry in a series on active shooters. To be prepared to defend against an active shooter, you must be physically and mentally prepared, appropriately trained, and you must always carry your gun with you. Not everyone likes guns, but someone needs to defend against the wolves.